Environment & proximity

For a sustainable future based on solidarity

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Environment and sustainability

Located in the heart of the Lozère region, known for its unspoilt natural environment, the Moulin de Colagne shares and embodies the environmental values rooted in the area. Our attachment to this exceptional land is reflected in our concrete environmental and human commitments, in favour of more sustainable agriculture and the preservation of the planet.

Paysage de Lozère et champs de blé - Moulin de Colagne

Towards sustainable and organic farming

The Minoterie de Colagne is committed to organic farming. With 70% of our total production dedicated to organic flours. This commitment to sustainable practices also extends to our partners. When it comes to transporting our products, for example. With the carrier Prouheze Paradis, who not only meets Qualimat standards but is also certified ‘Objective CO2’, using oil-powered trucks.

Waste recycling and recovery

We adopt a zero-waste approach where every component entering our production process finds a use. Wheat bran (or issues) is used for animal feed. All non-compliant flour is sent for methanisation or biogas, thereby contributing to responsible resource management. Today, everything is recycled in our flour production.

More green-friendly packaging

Committed to a responsible approach, we work with a local service provider specialising in recycling to ensure the second life of our various types of packaging. This helps to reduce our environmental impact and promote a sustainable approach.

Champs de blé -Moulin de Colagne

Human commitments and local partner

As a local partner, the Moulin de Colagne is fully committed to preserving our terroir and producing products of exceptional quality. We place our customers at the heart of our approach and work closely with our various partners to meet their specific needs. We prioritize local, regional and national suppliers to ensure that our quality chain is firmly rooted in our region. This long-term collaboration with our suppliers guarantees a supply of quality wheat, which is essential to the manufacture of our products.

The human aspect is central to the identity of the Moulin de Colagne. Every day, we provide our best to our customers, adapting to their specific needs and ensuring that we meet their expectations in terms of diversity and quality.

Expertise at your service

We understand the specific needs of each craftsman and are committed to supporting them in their quest for excellence. Our 30-year commitment to organic farming guarantees consistent quality. But it is also a guarantee of confidence in our products for our professional bakery and patisserie customers. This know-how reinforces our commitment to you, an essential dimension in the human relations we maintain with you. At the heart of our identity as millers and artisans of taste, lies our ability to advise and assist our customers. We are committed to sharing our expertise and to support you, making us the partner of choice.

Human relations

Our team shares a mindset based on attentive listening and a special relationship with each artisan baker. This makes our collaboration unique and rewarding. Placing our customers at the heart of our virtuous approach is a priority. We strive to maintain consistent quality throughout the year to ensure their complete satisfaction.

At the Moulin de Colagne, we believe in the power of human relationships and the importance of supporting our community. Our human commitments and local partnerships are an integral part of our identity.

Partenaire de proximité - Moulin de Colagne
Partenaire de proximité - Moulin de Colagne

Solidarity commitments

We are also involved in human partnerships that reflect our values of solidarity and mutual aid. We are proud to work with the association Le Clos du Nid, which is committed to helping people with disabilities. This collaboration is reflected in the involvement of these people in the packaging of our 1kg and 5kg bags of flour.

Similarly, we support the association SCN8A, which dedicates to research and support for people affected by the rare genetic disease SCN8A. Through our Julia flour, we actively help to raise public awareness of this vital cause.